The Let's Play Archive

Famicom Wars


Part 26: Unit Overview: Supply

Part 26: Unit Overview: Supply

Basic Info:
Cost		3000 G
Movement	5
Move Type	Vehicle
Fuel		60
Ammo		N/A
Ammo Cost	N/A
Range		N/A
Special		Cannot attack; supplies fuel/ammo for adjacent units that haven't ended turn
Combat Data*:
Opposing Unit	    Damage Dealt	    Damage Taken
 Infantry		N/A			2.5
 Mech			N/A			9.5
 Medium Tank		N/A			8.5
 Tank			N/A			6.5
 APC			N/A			5.5
 Rocket			N/A			6.5
 Artillery		N/A			5.5
 Supply			N/A			N/A
 AA Missile		N/A			N/A
 AA Tank		N/A			N/A
 Fighter		N/A			4.5
 Scout			N/A			3.5
 Bomber			N/A			7.5
 Copter			N/A			4.5
 Battleship		N/A			9.5
 Lander			N/A			2.5
* All damage values are between new undamaged units on terrain with no defensive bonuses. Fractional values indicate a % chance to deal an extra damage point.

Ah, the humble supply truck. It can't attack on its own, yet in ground battles it is essential to keeping your vehicles able to fight. The supply will refill the ammo and fuel for all adjacent ground units when the "Supply" menu command is selected, and also once per turn on demand by selecting the "Supply" action for the unit. Only units that haven't already ended their turn can be supplied, but a single supply truck can theoretically support eight units each turn this way. Your advancing artillery and rocket units will quickly run out of ammo without a supply truck nearby, and they're cheap, so make sure to have one or two out there for any ground advances. Air and naval battles won't need them, however; supply trucks can't help those units.

The supply truck doesn't show up in later games; instead the APC takes over its functions and loses the ability to attack.